Friday, November 15, 2019


What is C# Programming Language?
C# (pronounced as “C Sharp”) is a simple, modern, object-oriented and type safe programming language. 
C# Programming language will allow developers to build a variety of secure and robust applications such as windows applications, web applications, database applications, etc. which will run on .NET Framework.

C# programming language has built on .NET Framework so to run the c# applications, we required to install a .NET Framework component on our machines.

.NET Framework is a development platform for building an apps for windows, web, azure, etc. by using programming languages such as C#, F# and Visual Basic. It consists of a two major components such as Common Language Runtime(CLR), it’s an execution engine that handles running apps and .NET Framework Class Library, which provides a library of tested and reusable code that developers can use it in their applications.

 execution engine that handles running apps and .NET Framework Class Library, which provides a library of tested and reusable code that developers can use it in their applications.
Overview of C#
  • C# is an object oriented programming language and it supports the concepts of encapsulation, abstraction, polymorphism, etc.
  • In c# all the variables, methods and application’s entry point are encapsulated within the class definitions.
  • C# is developed specifically for .NET Framework and it enable programmers to migrate from C/C++ and Java easily.
  • C# is fully Event-driven and visual programming language.
  • Microsoft provided an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) tool called Visual Studio to implement c# programs easily.
Features of C#
C# contains various features that make it similar to other programming languages such as c c++ and java. There are some additional features in C# which make it differ from other languages.

  • C# is modern programming language and it is very powerful, simple for building the applications
  • C# is useful in developing windows, web and device applications.
  • C# provides an automatic memory management by clearing unused objects
  • C# is a type safe programming language and it make impossible to perform unchecked type casts.
  • C# provides a structured and extensible approach for error detection and recovery.
  • C# is a structure oriented programming language and the compilation, execution of c# applications are faster due to automatic scalability.

C# Variables with Examples

In C#, Variables will represent a storage locations and each variable has a particular type that determines what type of values can be stored in the variable.

C# is a Strongly Typed programming language so before we perform any operation on variables, it’s mandatory to define a variable with required data type to indicate what type of data that variable can hold in our application.

Value Types

In c#, a data type is a Value Type if it hold the value of variable directly on its own memory space and Value Types will use Stack memory to store the variables values.

Pass Value Type by Value

In c#, if we pass a value type variable from one method to another method, the system will create a separate copy for the variable in another method. In case, if we make a changes to the variable in one method won’t affect the variable in other method.

 Reference types

In c#, Reference Types will contain a pointer which points to other memory location that holds the data. The Reference Types won’t store the variable value directly in its memory instead, it will store the memory address of the variable value to indicate where the value is being stored.

Pass Value Type by Value

In c#, if we pass a value type variable from one method to another method, the system will create a separate copy for the variable in another method. In case, if we make a changes to the variable in one method won’t affect the variable in other method.


Namespace is used to organize the multiple classes in our applications and it will reduce the code redundancy in our .NET applications. By using namespace keyword, we can define the namespaces in our c# applications.
In simple words, we can say that Namespace is a collection of classes and classes are the collection of objects and methods. So by using namespaces we can easily access all the class methods just by importing the namespace in our application.

It contains a classes that allows you to perform basic operations such as mathematical operation and data conversation.
It contains a classes to perform Input and Output operations.
It contains a classes that are useful to with network protocols.
It contains a classes that are useful to work with ADO.Net architecture.
It contains a classes that are useful to implement the collection of objects such as lists.
It contains a classes that are useful to implement GUI functionalities.
It contains a classes that are helpful to perform HTTP requests.

Nested Namespaces in C#

In c#, a namespace can contain another namespace and it is called a Nested Namespace. The nested namespace classes and its members can be accessed by using dot (.) operator.


Operator is a programming element that specifies what kind of an operation need to perform on operands or variables.
Different Type of Operators in C# with Examples

C# Methods / Functions 

In c#, Method is a separate code block and that contain a series of statements to perform a particular operations and methods must be declared either in class or struct by specifying the required parameters.

Generally, in c# Methods are useful to improve the code reusability by reducing the code duplication. 

Pass By Value

In c#, Passing a Value-Type parameter to a method by value means passing a copy of the variable to the method. So the changes made to the parameter inside of called method will not have an effect on the original data stored in the argument variable.

As discussed earlier, Value-Type variables will contain the value directly on it memory and Reference-Type variables will contain a reference of its data.

Out Parameter

In c#, out keyword is used to pass an arguments to the method as a reference type. The out keyword is same like refkeyword, only difference is out doesn’t require a variable to be initialized before we pass it as an argument to the method but the variable must be initialized in called method before it return a value to the calling method.

The out parameter in c# is also useful to return more than one value from the methods in c# programming language.


In c#, params keyword is used to specify a method parameter that takes a variable number of arguments. The paramskeyword is useful when we are not sure about number of arguments to send as a parameter.

In c#, during method declaration only one params keyword is allowed and no additional parameters are permitted after the params keyword in a method declaration.

We can send an arguments of specified type as a comma-separated list or an array to the declared parameter. 


Classes and Objects are interrelated. The class in c# is nothing but a collection of various data members (fields, properties, etc.) and member functions.
Internal is the default if no access modifier is specified. Class members (including nested classes and structs) can be declared with any of the five types of access. Struct members cannot be declared as protected because structs do not support inheritance. User-defined operators must always be declared as public.

C# Object

In c#, Object is an instance of a class and that can be used to access the data members and member functions of a class.

Creating Objects in C#

Generally, we can say that objects are the concrete entities of classes. In c#, we can create an objects by using a newkeyword followed by the name of the class like as shown below.
C# Class Members
As discussed, a class can contain multiple data members in c# programming language. Following table lists a different type of data members that can be used in c# classes.

Variables of the class
Computations and actions that can be performed by the class
Actions associated with reading and writing named properties of the class
Notifications that can be generated by the class
Actions required to initialize instances of the class or the class itself
Conversions and expression operators supported by the class
Constant values associated with the class
Actions associated with indexing instances of the class like an array
Actions to perform before instances of the class are permanently discarded
Nested types declared by the class


In c#, Constructor is a method which will invoke automatically whenever an instance of class or struct is created.  The constructor will have a same name as the class or struct and it useful to initialize and set a default values for the data members of the new object.

In case, if we create a class without having any constructor, then the compiler will automatically create a one default constructor for that class. So, there is always one constructor will exist in every class.

In c#, a class can contain more than one constructor with different type of arguments and the constructors will never return anything, so we don’t need to use any return type, not even void while defining the constructor method in class.

C# Parameterized Constructor

In c#, if we create a constructor with at least one parameter, then we will call it as parameterized constructor and the every instance of class will be initialized with parameter values.

C# Constructor Overloading

In c#, we can overload the constructor by creating another constructor with same method name but with different parameters.

C# Constructor Chaining

In c#, Constructor Chaining is an approach to invoke one constructor from another constructor. To achieve constructor chaining we need to use this keyword after our constructor definition.

Copy Constructor 

In c#, Copy Constructor is a parameterized constructor which contains a parameter of same class type. The copy constructor in c# is useful whenever we want to initialize a new instance to the values of an existing instance.

In simple words, we can say copy constructor is a constructor which copies a data of one object into another object. Generally, c# won’t provide a copy constructor for objects but we can implement ourselves based on our requirements.

Static Constructor

In c#, Static Constructor is used to perform a particular action only once throughout the application. If we declare a constructor as static, then it will be invoked only once irrespective of number of class instances and it will be called automatically before the first instance is created.

Generally, in c# the static constructor will not accept any access modifiers and parameters. In simple words we can say it’s a parameter less.

Following are the properties of static constructor in c# programming language.

  • Static constructor in c# won’t accept any parameters and access modifiers.
  • The static constructor will invoke automatically, whenever we create a first instance of class.
  • The static constructor will be invoked by CLR so we don’t have a control on static constructor execution order in c#.
  • In c#, only one static constructor is allowed to create.


In c#, Private Constructor is a special instance constructor and it is used in a classes that contains only static members. If a class contains one or more private constructors and no public constructors, then the other classes are not allowed to create an instance for that particular class except nested classes.


In c#, Destructor is a special method of a class and it is used in a class to destroy the object or instances of classes. The destructor in c# will invoke automatically whenever the class instances become unreachable.

Following are the properties of destructor in c# programming language.
  • In c#, destructors can be used only in classes and a class can contain only one destructor.
  • The destructor in class can be represented by using tilde (~) operator
  • The destructor in c# won’t accept any parameters and access modifiers.
  • The destructor will invoke automatically, whenever an instance of class is no longer needed.
  • The destructor automatically invoked by garbage collector whenever the class objects that are no longer needed in application.
·           class User
·             {
·                 // Destructor
·                 ~User()
·                 {
·                     // your code
·                 }
·             }

this Keyword

In c#, this keyword is used to refer the current instance of class and by using this keyword we can pass current instance of class as a parameter to the other methods.

In case, if class contains a parameters and variables with same name, then this keyword is useful to distinguish between the parameters and variables.

We can also use this keyword to declare indexers and to specify the instance variable in the parameter list of an extension method.

Static Keyword

In c#, static is a keyword or a modifier which is used to make a class or methods or a variable properties as not instantiable that means we cannot instantiate the items which we declared with a static modifier.

The static members which we declared can be accessed directly with a type name. Suppose if we apply a staticmodifier to a class property or to a method or variable, then we can access those static members directly with a class name, instead of creating an object of a class to access those properties.

Static Class

In c#, a static class can be created by using static modifier and the static class can contain only static members.

Generally, the static class is same as non-static class, but only difference is the static class cannot be instantiated. Suppose if we apply static modifier to a class, then we should not use the new keyword to create a variable of the class type.

Another difference is the static class will contain only static members, but the non-static class can contain both static and non-static members.
C# Static Class Features
Following are the main features of static class in c# programming language. 
  • The static class in c# will contain only static members.
  • In c#, the static classes cannot be instantiated.
  • C# static classes are sealed, therefore it cannot be inherited.
  • The static classes in c# will not contain instance constructors.
As discussed in previous article static keyword in c#, we can use static members in non-static classes such as normal classes. For normal classes we can create an instance of class using new keyword to access non-static members and functions but it cannot access the static members and functions.

To know more about it, check this article static keyword in c# with examples.

The advantage of using static classes in c# applications will make sure that instance of classes cannot be created. 

const (Constant) Keyword

In c#, const is a keyword which is used to declare a constant fields in our applications. Generally, in c# the constant field values are set at compile time and those values never be changed.

In c#, if we use const keyword to declare constant field, then that field value cannot be changed throughout the application so we should not use const keyword with the fields whose value will be changed at any time.

To define a constant fields in c#, we need to use const keyword during the declaration of fields in our application and we can use constants with numbers, boolean values, strings or with null references.

It’s mandatory to initialize a constant fields with required values during the declaration itself otherwise we will get a compile time errors in our c# application.


In c#, readonly is a keyword which is used to define a read only fields in our applications.  The read only field values needs to be initialized either at the declaration or in a constructor of the same class unlike constant keyword in c#. If we use readonly keyword with fields, then those field values will be evaluated at the runtime.

To define a read only fields in c#, we need to use readonly keyword during the declaration of fields in our application and we can use readonly modifier with the numbers, boolean values, strings or with null references.

In c#, if we use readonly keyword to define read only field, then that field value cannot be changed once the constructorexecution has finished so we should not use readonly keyword with the fields whose value will be changed at any time.

It’s mandatory to initialize a read only field values either at the declaration or in a constructor otherwise we will get a compile time errors in our c# application.

C# Difference between Constant and ReadOnly
Following are the difference between constant and readonly properties in c# programming language. 
  • In c#, the constant fields can be created by using const keyword and read only fields can be created by using readonly keyword.
  • In c#, the constant fields can only be initialized during the time of declaration but read only fields can be initialized either at the declaration or in a constructor.
  • Constant field values will be evaluated during the compile time but read only fields values will be evaluated at run time in c#.
C# Structure Characteristics
Following are the important characteristics of structures in c# programming language. 
  • In c#, structures are value types and those are defined by using struct keyword.
  • During structure declaration, the fields cannot be initialized unless they are defined as const or static.
  • Structures in c# can include fields, properties, member functions, operators, constructors, events, indexers, constants and even other structure types.
  • Structures cannot include default constructor (constructor without parameters) or destructor but it will allow us to declare constructors with parameters.
  • A structure cannot inherit from another structure or class.
  • In c#, the structure can implement interfaces.
  • A structure can instantiated with or without using a new keyword.
C# Difference between Structure and Class
Following are the difference between structures and classes in c# programming language.

C# Enum (Enumerator)

In c#, enum is a keyword which is used to declare an enumeration. In c#, enumeration is a type that consists a set of named constants as list.

By using an enumeration, we can group a constants that are logically related to each other. For example, the days of week can be grouped together by using enumeration in c#.
In case, if we want to change the default values of an enumerator, then assigning a new value to the first item in enumerator will automatically assign an incremental values to the successive items in an enumerator.

C# Properties (GET, SET)

In c#, Property is an extension of class variable and it provides a mechanism to read, write or change the value of class variable without effecting the external way of accessing it in our applications.

In c#, properties can contain one or two code blocks called accessors and those are called a get accessor and setaccessor. By using get and set accessors, we can change the internal implementation of class variables and expose it without effecting the external way of accessing it based on our requirements.

Generally, in object oriented programming languages like c# we need to define a fields as private, and then use properties to access their values in public way with get and set accessors.

Here, the get accessor code block will be executed whenever the property is read and the code block of set accessor will be executed whenever the property is assigned to a new value.

In c#, the properties are categorized as three types, those are.

A property which contains a both get and set accessors, then we will call it as read-write property.
A property which contains only get accessor, then we will call it as read-only property.
A property which contains only set accessor, then we will call it as write-only property.
In c#, Properties won’t accept any parameters and we should not pass property as a ref or out parameter in our application.

Partial Class

In c#, a partial class is useful to split the functionality of particular class into multiple class files and all these files will be combined into one single class file when the application is compiled.

While working on large scale projects, multiple developers wants to work on the same class file at the same time. To solve this problem, c# provides an ability to spread the functionality of particular class into multiple class files using partialkeyword.

In c#, we can use partial keyword to split the definition of particular classstructureinterface or a method over two or more source files.

Rules to Implement Partial Class
In c#, we need to follow certain rules to implement partial class in our applications.

  • To split the functionality of classstructureinterface or a method over multiple files we need to use partial keyword and all files must be available at compile time to form the final type.
  • The partial modifier can only appear immediately before the keywords classstruct or interface.
  • All parts of partial type definitions must be in the same namespace or assembly.
  • All parts of partial type definitions must have the same accessibility, such as publicprivate, etc.
  • If any partial part is declared as abstractsealed or base, then the whole type is considered as abstract or sealedor base based on the defined type.
  • In c#, different parts can have different base types but the final type will inherit all the base types.
  • Nested partial types are allowed in partial type definitions.

C# Partial Method

In c#, partial method is a special type of method which will contain a declaration part in one partial class and the definition part in another partial class or in same partial class.

Generally, the partial methods will exists either in partial class or struct and it will contain two main parts one is declaration and definition. Here, the declaration part represents a signature of the partial method and the definitionpart will represents an implementation of partial method.

In partial method, the definition part is an optional so it may or may not have an implementation in partial classes. In case, the implementation part of partial method is not available in any partial class, then the compiler will remove the definition of method and all the calls related to that particular method in final class.

Rules to Implement Partial Method
In c#, we need to follow certain rules to implement partial method in our applications.

  • In c#, the partial method can be implemented within partial class or structure only and the signatures in both parts of partial type must be same.
  • The partial method declaration must begin with partial keyword and method must return void.
  • By default partial methods are implicitly private so no access modifiers are allowed and they cannot be virtual.
  • Partial methods can have ref but not out parameters.
  • Partial methods can be static and generic.


In c#, string is a keyword which is used to represent a sequential collection of characters that is called a text and the string is an object of System.String type.

In c#, we use string keyword to create a string variables to hold the particular text which is a sequential collection of characters.

C# String Immutability

In c#, string is immutable, it means the string object cannot be modified once it created. If any changes made to the string object like add or modify an existing value, then it will simply discard the old instance in memory and create a new instance to hold the new value.

the StringBuilder is a dynamic object which will expands dynamically to accommodate the number of characters based on the string modifications.

Access Modifiers (Public, Private, Protected, Internal)

By specifying an access level for all types and type members, we can control that whether they can be accessed in other classes or in current assembly or in other assemblies based on our requirements.

Virtual Keyword

In c#, virtual keyword is used to override a base class members such as propertiesmethods, etc. in derived class to modify it based on our requirements.
Generally, whenever the virtual method is invoked, the run-time object will check for an overriding member in the derived class. In case, if no derived class has overridden the member, then the virtual method will be treated it as original member.

In c#, by default all the methods are non-virtual and we cannot override a non-virtual methods. In case, if you want to override a method, then you need to define it with virtual keyword.

The virtual keyword in c# cannot be used with staticabstractprivate or override modifiers. In c#, the virtual inherited properties can be overridden in a derived class by including a property declaration that uses the overridemodifier.

Override Keyword

in c#, we cannot override a non-virtual or static methods. In case, if you want to override a method, then you need to define it with virtual keyword.

To override a base class method in derived class, then both override method and virtual method must have a same signatures and access modifiers.

In c#, we should not use staticnew, or virtual modifiers to modify an override method. The overriding property declaration must specify exactly the same access modifier, type and name as inherited property.


Sealed Class

In c#, sealed is a keyword which is used to stop inheriting the particular class from other classes and we can also prevent overriding the particular properties or methods based on our requirements.

Generally, when we create a particular class we can inherit all the properties and methods in any class. In case, if you want to restrict an access of defined class and its members, then by using sealed keyword we can prevent other classes from inheriting the defined class.
C# Sealed Keyword Features
Following are the important points which we need to remember about sealed keyword in c# programming language. 
  • In c#, to apply a sealed keyword on method or property, it must always be used with override.
  • In c#, we should not use abstract modifier with sealed class, because an abstract class must be inherited by a class that provides an implementation of the abstract methods or properties.
  • In c#, the local variables cannot be sealed.
  • In c#, structs are implicitly sealed, they cannot be inherited.

C# Interface Overview
Following are the important properties of interface in c# programming language. 
·         In c#, interface is like an abstract class and it can contain only declarations of members such as methodsproperties, indexers and events.
·         By default, the members of interface are public and we are not allowed to include any other access modifiers.
·         In c#, an interface cannot be instantiated directly, but it can be instantiated by a class or struct that implements an interface.
·         The class or struct that implements an interface must provide an implementation for all the members that are specified in the interface definition.
·         The class or struct can implement multiple interfaces. 
Difference between Abstract Class and Interface
Following are the differences between abstract class and interface in c# programming lagnauge.

Abstract Class
In c#, the abstract classes cannot be instantiated
In c#, an interface cannot be instantiated directly, but it can be instantiated by a class or struct that implements an interface.
An abstract class can contain both declarations and implementations of methodsproperties, etc.
An interface can contain only declarations of methodsproperties, indexers and events.
The members of abstract class can contain different access modifiers.
By default, all the members of interface are public and we are not allowed to include any other access modifiers.
class can inherit only one abstract class.
A class can inherit multiple interfaces.
class that is derived from abstract class must implement all inherited abstract methods and accessors.
The class or struct that implements an interface must provide an implementation for all the members that are specified in the interface definition.

By default, the members of interface are public and we are not allowed to include any other access modifiers. In c#, an interface can contain a methodsproperties, events, indexers but it can’t contain constantsfieldsoperators, instance constructors, finalizers or types.


In c#, event is a message which is sent by an object to indicate that particular action is going to be happen.
In simple words, we can say that events are used to signal an user actions such as button click, mouse over, menu selection, etc. in user interface of windows and web applications.


In c#, collection is a class which is used to manage a group of objects in flexible manner to perform a various operations like insert, update, delete, get, etc. on object items in dynamic manner based on our requirements.

In previous section, we learned about arrays in c# but those are useful only when we are working with fixed number of strongly-typed objects. So, to solve this problem Microsoft has introduced a collections in c# to work with group of objects which can grow or shrink dynamically based on our requirements.

In c#, collection is a class so we must need to declare an instance of the class before we perform any operations like add, delete, etc. on defined collection and the collections are implemented by using IEnumerable interface so we can access collection items by using foreach loop.
C# Collection Types
In c#, we have a different type of collection classes are available, those are
·         Non-Generic (System.Collections)
·         Generic (System.Collections.Generic)
·         Concurrent (System.Collections.Generic)
C# Non-Generic Collections (System.Collections)
In c#, non-generic collection classes are useful to store an elements of different data types and these are provided by System.Collections namespace. Now, these collection classes are legacy types so whenever possible try to use generic collections (System.Collections.Generic) or concurrent collections (System.Collections.Concurrent).

Following are the different type of non-generic collection classes which are provided by System.Collections namespace.

It is useful to represent an array of objects whose size is dynamically increased as required.
It is useful to represent a FIFO (First in, First Out) collection of objects.
It is useful to represent a LIFO (Last in, First Out) collection of objects.
It is useful to represent a collection of key/value pairs that are organized based on the hash code of the key.
C# Generic Collections (System.Collections.Generic)
In c#, generic collections will enforce a type safety so we can store only the elements which is having same data type and these are provided by System.Collections.Generic namespace.

Following are the different type of generic collection classes which are provided by System.Collections.Generic namespace.

It is useful to represent a list of objects that can be accessed by index.
It is useful to represent a FIFO (First in, First Out) collection of objects.
It is useful to represent a LIFO (Last in, First Out) collection of objects.
It is useful to represent a collection of key/value pairs that are sorted by a key.
It is useful to represent a collection of key/value pairs that are organized based on the key.
C# Concurrent Collections (System.Collections.Concurrent)
In c#, concurrent collections are useful to access a collection items from multiple threads and these are available from .NET Framework 4 with System.Collections.Concurrent namespace.

In case, if we are using a multiple threads to access a collection concurrently, then we need to use concurrent collections instead of non-generic and generic collections.

Following are the different type of concurrent collection classes which are provided by System.Collections.Concurrentnamespace.

It is useful to provide a blocking and bounding capabilities for thread-safe collections.
It is useful to represent a thread-safe, unordered collection of objects.
It is useful to represent a thread-safe collection of key/value pairs that can be accessed by multiple threads concurrently.
It is useful to represent a thread-safe FIFO (First in, First Out) collection.
It is useful to represent a thread-safe LIFO (Last in, First Out) collection.
It is useful to provide a partitioning strategies for arrays, lists, enumerables.
It is useful to provide a specific way of splitting an orderable data source into multiple partitions.


 Arraylist is used to store an elements of different data types and the size of arraylist can grow or shrink dynamically based on the need of our application like adding or removing an elements from arraylist.

In c#, arraylists are same as an arrays but only difference is arrays are used to store a fixed number of same data type elements.

C# Arraylist Declaration

In c#, arraylist is a non-generic type of collection and it is provided by System.Collections namespace.

C# Arraylist Properties
Following are the some of commonly used properties of an arraylist in c# programming language.

It is used to get or set the number of elements an arraylist can contain.
It is used to get the number of elements in arraylist.
It is used to get a value to indicate that the arraylist has fixed size or not.
It is used to get a value to indicate that the arraylist is readonly or not.
It is used get or set an element at the specified index.
It is used to get a value to inidicate that an access to arraylist is synchronized (thread safe) or not.
C# Arraylist Methods
Following are the some of commonly used methods of an arraylist to add, search, insert, delete or sort an elements of arraylist in c# programming language.

It is used to add an element at the end of arraylist.
It is used to add all the elements of specified collection at the end of arraylist.
It will remove all the elements in arraylist.
It will create a shallow copy of arraylist.
It is used determine whether the specified element exists in arraylist or not.
It is used to copy all the elements of an arraylist into another compatible array.
It is used to return a specified range of arraylist elements starting from the specified index.
It is used to search for a specified element and return a zero-based index if found otherwise return -1 if no element found.
It is used to insert an element in arraylist at the specified index.
It is used to insert all the elements of specified collection into arraylist starting from the specified index.
It is used to remove a first occurence of specified element from the arraylist.
It is used to remove an element from arraylist based on the specified index position.
It is used to remove a range of elements from arraylist.
It reverse the order of arraylist elements.
It sorts the elements in an arraylist.
It copies all the elements of an arraylist to new array object.


In c#, Hashtable is used to store a collection of key/value pairs of different data types and those are organized based on the hash code of the key.

Generally, the hastable object will contain a buckets to store an elements of collection. Here, bucket is a virtual subgroup of elements within the hashtable and each bucket is associated with a hash code, which is generated based on the key of element.

In c#, hashtable is same as dictionary object but only difference is the dictionary object is used to store a key value pair of same data type elements.

When compared with dictionary object, the hashtable will provide a lower performance because the hashtable elements are of object type so the boxing and unboxing process will occur when we store or retrieve a values from hashtable.


In c#, Inheritance is a one of the primary concept of object oriented programming (OOP) and it is used to inherit the properties from one class (base) to another (child) class.

The inheritance will enable us to create a new class by inheriting the properties from other classes to reuse, extend and modify the behaviour of other class members based on our requirements.

In c# inheritance, the class whose members are inherited is called a base (parentclass and the class that inherits the members of base (parent) class is called a derived (childclass.

Method Overloading

In c#, Method Overloading means defining a multiple methods with same name but with different parameters. By using Method Overloading, we can perform a different tasks with same method name by passing different parameters.

Method Overriding

In c#, Method Overriding means override a base class method in derived class by creating a method with same name and signatures to perform a different task. The Method Overriding in c# can be achieved by using override & virtualkeywords along with inheritance principle.

Suppose, if we want to change the behaviour of base class method in derived class, then we need to use method overriding. The base class method which we want to override in derived class that needs to be defined with virtualkeyword and we need to use override keyword in derived class while defining the method with same name and parameters then only we can override the base class method in derived class.

In c#, the Method Overriding is also called as run time polymorphism or late binding


In c#, polymorphism provides an ability for the classes to implement a different methods that are called through the same name and it also provides an ability to invoke the methods of derived class through base class reference during runtime based on our requirements.

C# Abstract Class Features
Following are important features of abstract class in c# programming language.

  • In c#, abstract classes cannot be instantiated.
  • The abstract classes can contain both abstract and non-abstract methods and accessors.
  • In c#, we should not use a sealed keyword with abstract class because the sealed keyword will make a class as not inheritable but abstract modifier requires a class to be inherited.
  • A class that is derived from abstract class must include all the implementations of inherited abstract methods and accessors.
C# Abstract Method
The abstract class cannot be instantiated and it can contain both abstract and non-abstract members. The class that is derived from abstract class must implement all the inherited abstract methods and accessors.
In c#, abstract method is a method which is declared with an abstract modifier. If we define a method with abstractmodifier, then that method doesn’t contain any implementation and method declaration simply ends with semicolon.

In c#, abstract methods are internally treated as virtual methods so those methods needs to be overridden in derived class and we should not static or virtual modifiers during abstract method declaration.

C# Exception

In c#, Exception is an unexpected event or an error which may occur during execution of the program and it will provide necessary information about the error which occurred in our application.

Generally, the exceptions are thrown by .NET framework CLR (Common Language Runtime) or by the code in our program. Following is the example which will throw an exception when we execute it in c#.
C# System & Application Exceptions Hierarchy DiagramC# System & Application Exceptions Hierarchy Diagram
C# System & Application Exceptions Hierarchy DiagramGenerally, the SystemException is a base class for all CLR generated errors whereas the ApplicationException is a base class for all application related exceptions.

 the try block will contain the guarded code that may cause an exception so that if any errors occurred in our code, then immediately the code execution will be moved to catch block to handle those exceptions.

In c#, the finally block will always come after try or catch blocks and the finally block will always execute even if an exception occurred or not and it is useful to clean up or dispose of unmanaged objects based on the requirements.
In c#, throw is a keyword and it is useful to throw an exception manually during execution of the program and we can handle those thrown exceptions using try-catch blocks based on our requirements.

C# Var Keyword Overview
Following are the important points which we need to remember about var keyword in c#. 
  • var keyword is useful to declare the implicitly-typed local variables without specifying an explicit type.
  • In c#, the type of implicitly-typed local variables will automatically determine by the compiler based on the right side value of the initialization statement.
  • The var variables must be declared and initialized in the same statement.
  • We are not allowed to assign a null value to the implicitly-typed local variables.
  • Multiple implicitly-typed variables cannot be initialized in the same statement.
  • var is not allowed to use as a field type at the class level.
C# Dynamic Type Overview
Following are the important points which we need to remember about dynamic type in c#.

  • The dynamic type is useful to bypass the type checking at compile-time instead, it will resolve the type at runtime.
  • During compile-time, the compiler will compile the variables of dynamic type into the variables of the objecttype.
  • If we use dynamic type as a method parameter, then it will accept any type of parameter at run time.
  • Visual studio will not provide any IntelliSense support for dynamic types.
C# Nullable Types Characteristics
Following are the important characteristics of the nullable type in c#.

  • Nullable types are useful to assign a null value to the value type variables.
  • Nullable types can be declared like either Nullable<T> or T?. The syntax T? is shorthand for Nullable<T> and these two are interchangeable.
  • We can assign a value to nullable type like int? i = 10 or Nullable<int> i = 10 or int? i = null.
  • By using nullable type HasValue and Value properties, we can verify and retrieve the variable value like if(i.HasValue) j = i.Value;.
  • The HasValue property will return true if the variable contains a value, or false if it is null and the Value property will return value if the variable contains a value otherwise it will throw InvalidOperationException exception.
  • We can use GetValueOrDefault() method to get the value from nullable type. It will return the value of nullable type if it contains a value or if it is null, then it will return the default value.
  • To assign nullable type to non-nullable type, then we need to use the null-coalescing operator ??.
  • Nested nullable types are not allowed like Nullable<Nullable<int>> x. 
C# Anonymous Type Overview
Following are the important points which we need to remember about anonymous type in c#.

  • In c#, anonymous types are useful to create an object that contains a set of read-only properties without specifying its type using the new keyword.
  • In an anonymous type, the expression that is used to initialize a property cannot be null.
  • The reference of anonymous types can be held by implicitly typed variable var.
  • The access scope of the anonymous type is limited to the method where it has defined.
  • In c#, anonymous types are mostly useful in Select clause of LINQ query expressions.
In c#, anonymous methods are the methods without a name. Generally, the anonymous methods can be defined by using delegate keyword and can be assigned to the variable of the delegate type.

C# Anonymous Methods Drawbacks
Following are some of the limitations of anonymous methods in c#.

  • In c#, we are not allowed to use jump statements such as gotobreak and continue inside of an anonymous method.
  • Anonymous methods cannot access ref or out parameters of an outer scope.
  • The unsafe code cannot be accessed within the anonymous method.
  • Anonymous methods are not allowed on the left side of is operator.
Actually, the anonymous methods are introduced in C# 2.0 to create methods without a name but in C# 3.0 and later versions, the lambda expressions have been introduced to achieve the better functionality than anonymous methods by writing inline code. To learn more about lambda expressions, check LINQ Lambda Expressions.
C# Anonymous Methods Overview
Following are the important points which we need to remember about the anonymous methods in c#.

  • Anonymous methods are the methods without a name. 
  • Anonymous methods can be defined by using delegate keyword and can be assigned to the variable of the delegate type.
  • Anonymous methods are useful to reduce the coding overhead in instantiating delegates because we don’t have to create a separate method.
  • In anonymous methods, if we define any parameters those can be accessed only within the anonymous method block.
  • We can pass anonymous methods as a parameter to the other methods.
C# Indexer Overview
Following are the important points which we need to remember about indexers in c#. 
  • In c#, indexer is a special type of property and that allows an instances of a class or structure to be indexed same like an array.
  • In c#, indexer is same as property but the only difference is, the indexer will define with this keyword along with the square bracket and parameters.
  • Indexers can be overloaded by having different signatures.
  • Indexers cannot be a static member as it’s an instance member of the class.
  • Passing indexer value as a ref or out parameter not supported.

Extension Methods

 In c#, extension methods are useful to extend the behaviour of existing types by adding new methods without modifying, deriving or recompiling the original types such as classstruct or interface.

·         In c#, we can implement our own extension methods for any .NET type such as custom class, .NET framework class or third party classes.
·         To create an extension method, we need to define a static class and implement an extension method as a static methodwith the required parameters. The first parameter of the method will specify the type on which the extension method will operate on and it must be preceded by this modifier.
C# Extension Methods Overview
Following are the important points which we need to remember about extension methods in c#. 
  • Extension methods are useful to extend the behaviour of existing types without modifying, deriving or recompiling the original types.
  • We can create an extension method for any .NET type such as custom class, .NET framework class or third party classes.
  • In c#, the extension methods will be defined as static methods of a static class with required parameters.
  • The first parameter of the extension method will specify the type on which the method will operate on and it must be preceded by this modifier.
  • The extension methods can be used anywhere in our application by including the namespace of our extension method.
  • In c#, the extension methods can be accessed like an instance method of extended type.

In c#, thread is a basic unit of execution within the process and it is responsible for executing the application logic.

By default, every application or program will carry one thread to execute the application logic and that thread is called a Main thread. So, we can say that every program or application is by default a single threaded model.

 C# Thread Life Cycle

In c#, each thread will have a life cycle and it will start when we create an instance of object using Thread class. Once the task execution of thread is completed, then the life cycle of thread will get end.

At any point of time, the thread in c# will exists in any one of the following states.

When we create the thread that will be in unstarted state.
When we call the Start() method, the thread will be moved to ready to run or runnable state.
It indicates that the thread is in running state.
Not Runnable
If thread is in not runnable state means there is a chance that the Sleep() or Wait() or Suspend() method is called on the thread or blocked by I/O operations.
If thread is in dead state means the thread completes its task execution or it is aborted.

C# Thread Overview
Following are the important points which we need to remember about threads in c#.

  • In c#, the thread is a basic unit of execution within the process and it is responsible for executing the application logic.
  • By default, every program will carry one thread to execute the program logic and that thread is called the Main thread.
  • In c#, to work with threads we need to import System.Threading namespace in our program. 
  • After importing System.Threading namespace in our program, we can create or access the threads using Threadclass.
  • In c#, the Main thread will automatically create to handle the program logic. If we create any other threads in our program by using Thread class those will become a child threads for the Main thread.
  • In c#, each thread will have a life cycle and it will start when we create an instance of the object using Thread class.
  • In c#, by using Abort() method of Thread class we can end or abort the thread execution process.
  • In c#, two types of threads are available, those are foreground threads and background threads.
  • Foreground threads are the threads which will run until it finishes its work even if, the Main thread completes its process.
  • Background threads will quit its process immediately when Main thread quits.
In c#, multithreading means executing the multiple threads simultaneously to perform multiple tasks at a time.

To overcome this problem, multithreading has been introduced to execute the multiple tasks simultaneously (asynchronous way) by creating multiple threads in our application. The threads which we will create in our application will become a child threads for the Main thread.

In c#, the child threads are responsible for executing the tasks in an asynchronous way that means executing the multiple tasks simultaneously at a time.
To overcome this problem, multithreading has been introduced to execute the multiple tasks simultaneously (asynchronous way) by creating multiple threads in our application. The threads which we will create in our application will become a child threads for the Main thread.

In c#, the child threads are responsible for executing the tasks in an asynchronous way that means executing the multiple tasks simultaneously at a time.

In c#, sleep method is useful to suspend or pause the current thread execution for the specified amount of time.


In c#, Tuple is a data structure and it is useful to store the sequence of elements of different data types. By using tuple we can return more than one value from the methods as a single set of data.

In c#, ValueTuple is same as Tuple to store the sequence of elements of different data types but the only difference is ValueTuples are the value types (structures) rather than reference types (classes) like Tuple and it will overcome the limitations of Tuple class.

The ValueTuple has been introduced in C# 7.0 (.NET Framework 4.7) and it will available in your project if you are using .NET Framework 4.7 or higher, or .NET Standard 2.0 or higher.

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